基础技能 和 特质
Noxious Blossom (Q)
Mana: 60 / Cooldown: 8 Seconds
Q - 在0.5秒延迟后,对一小块区域造成伤害
Crippling Spores (W)
Mana: 40 / Cooldown: 12 Seconds
W- 对当前受到你被动技能影响的目标作用,延长被动效果持续时间3秒,并使他们减速40%。 在3秒内递减。
Wisp (E)
Mana: 50 Cooldown / 45 Seconds
E - 召唤一个小精灵探索一片区域,召唤后可以再次使用技能移动它。 小精灵存在45秒 (可以被击杀)
Nature’s Toxin (Trait)
被动 - 你的基础攻击 和 伤害技能会使目标中毒,3秒内造成伤害。每次延长3秒,最多9秒。
Dryad’s Swiftness (Z)
你的移动速度永久性提高20%,并且你的移动方式是一蹦一蹦的 (- _ -)
Thornwood Vine (R1) -
Mana: 35 / Charge Cooldown / 15 Seconds
R1 - 对直线上的敌人造成伤害,3层充能
Leaping Strike (R2) -
Mana: 50 / Charge Cooldown / 30 Seconds
R2 - 跳过一名敌人,对其造成大量伤害,并使其减速80%,0.35秒,2层充能
---- Level 1
Blossom Swell
Increases Noxious Blossom’s radius by 20%.
增加 Q 的半径 20%
Crippling Spores returns 5 Mana per enemy hit, up to 30 Mana.
W击中的每个敌人为你恢复 5点法力,最多回复30点
Natural Perspective
Nature’s Toxin reveals enemies for its duration.
Cruel Spores
Crippling Spores’ cooldown is reduced by 80% and 20 mana is refunded when only Minions or Mercenaries are affected by it.
当你的W只对小兵 或 雇佣兵 造成影响时,W的冷却时间减少 80%,并返回20点法力
---- Level 4
Nimble Wisp
Increases Wisp Movement Speed by 100% and vision radius by 50%.
Timelost Wisp
Wisp costs no Mana and its cooldown recharges 100% faster while no wisp is active.
Skybound Wisp
Wisp can see over obstacles and reveals the area for 4 seconds after dying.
Dividing Wisp
The first time you relocate a Wisp it leaves a copy of itself in the previous location. Only one Dividing Wisp can be active at a time.
当你第一次调整小精灵的位置时,它会在原始位置留下一个分身。 同时只会有一个 分身精灵 被激活。
---- Level 7
Siphoning Toxin
Nature’s Toxin heals you.
你的特质也会治疗你 (暂无具体说明)
Wild Vigor
Using Crippling Spores increases the damage of your next 4 Basic Attacks by 40%
Splintered Spear
Noxious Blossom causes Basic Attack to hit 3 targets.
Q会使你基础攻击对3个目标造成伤害 (暂无具体说明)
Nature’s Culling
Increases Nature’s Toxin non-Heroic damage.
提高 Q 对非英雄单位造成的伤害 (暂无具体说明)
---- Level 13
Pestering Blossom
Increases Noxious Blossom’s range by 50%
提升 Q 的射程 50%
Rampant Growth
Increases Nature’s Toxin damage to slowed Heroes.
提升你 特质 对受到减速影响的英雄所造成的伤害 (暂无具体说明)
Giant Killer
Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes deal bonus damage equal to 1.5% of the Hero’s maximum Health.
Greater Spell Shield
Upon taking Ability Damage, reduce that damage and further Ability Damage by 75% for 3 seconds. Can only trigger once every 30 seconds.
强效法力护盾:在受到技能伤害时,使你受到的所有技能伤害减少 75% ,持续 3 秒。 30秒内只能触发一次
---- Level 16
Choking Pollen
Increases Noxious Blossom damage by 50% against enemies afflicted with Nature’s Toxin.
增加 Q 对受到你 特质 影响的目标所造成的伤害50%
Star Wood Spear
Using Crippling Spores increases your Basic Attacks range by 50% for 6 seconds.
Invigorating Spores
Using Crippling Spores increases your Attack Speed by 50% for 6 seconds.
Let Them Wither
Increases Crippling Spores slow
---- Level 20
Forest’s Wrath
Increases Thornwood Vine’s range by 35%, its speed by 20%, and your vision radius by 35%.
增加 R1 射程 35%,速度20%,视野半径 35%
Boundless Stride
All Leaping Strike charges are returned every 30 seconds. You can also use Leaping Strike on allies.
每30秒重置你所有 R2 的充能; 并且,你的R2可以用于友方单位
Galloping Gait
Cooldown: 30 Seconds
Activate to increase the Movement Speed bonus of Dryad’s Swiftness to 80% for 6 seconds.
增加 Z 的移动速度加成至 80%, 持续6秒 / 冷却30秒
Abolish Magic
Cooldown: 45 Seconds
Activate to remove all stuns, roots, silences, slows, and damage over time effects from yourself and an ally and reduce the duration of their reapplication by 50% for 2 seconds.
移除你 及 目标友方身上的所有昏迷,定身,沉默,减速 及 DOT效果,并在接下来2秒内受到同样类型效果影响是,该效果的持续时间减少50% / 冷却 45秒