
2016-01-11 13:59作者:Exelan 译来源:


  When de time comes, you be ready to fight?

  If dis only de beginning, ain‘t gonna be easy。 If we fight, everyone gonna be makin’ sacrifices。


  All your instinct be true。 Innocent lives be valued, indeed, but dem magics。。。 Demons we ain‘t been seein’ before。 I be fearin‘ dis only be de beginnin’。

  Warchief, I understand, but we cannot afford to send everything we have at the Legion。 Some of our people are not ready for a war。 It is -

  It is unfortunate。。。 for all of us, but the time has come to defend our people - all of our people。

  Good。 Now we all be seein‘。。。 united as one, but we also be need’n an old knowledge。 Someone who understand dem fel magics from long ago。 Someone ta help understand de fight dey be bringin。 Helpin‘ us prepare。。。 for war。

  Warchief, even with the might of the Horde behind us, the Legion‘s power continues to grow。 We know neither their numbers nor their true power, but as you said, we know their intentions。

  Yes。。。 and we ain‘t gone be fightin’ de Legion alone。 It be time we be reachin‘ out。 I be goin’ to visit an old friend。

  Dem serious times。 Tell your people it‘s time to be gettin’ ready。 Everybody gettin‘ ready。

  And what of my guards, Warchief? We cannot afford to leave the city in its state。 The Legion is threat enough, and the Alliance - the Alliance will surely strike when our guard is down。

  Leave ‘em。 Dem guards be remindin’ us of those we lost。 They be remindin‘ us we be one Horde。 And dey be remindin’ us - ain‘t nobody be sittin’ down when war be upon us。





  酋长,我理解你的意思。但是我们不能为了对抗军团赌上一切。我们中的一些人还没准备好开战。 这非常不幸,但是是时候站起来保卫我们的人民了!







