《坦克世界》1月25日QA 希望能改进分房算法

2016-01-26 15:00作者:新浪电竞来源:

  For MM improvement I‘d like to see 2 things。 Tier 3 and below never seeing a tier 5 tank and never seeing a battle more than 1 tier above or below。

  We plan to simplify 1-4 tier gameplay, this one will probably be included。



  Could you ask what will become of super high alpha tanks like jaegeroo, waffen and death star?

  Alpha damage will be reworked (less dmg per shot), WT100 needs a replacement badly。 HESH shells should have their own separate game mechanics



  Personally, I like to see the algorithm be optimized to better balance out tank types and tiers between teams。

  Far too often I see teams which either have: A) a huge numerical benefit in terms of the nr。 of heavies they get assigned, thus creating an gulf of HP and firepower vs the other team。 Or B) lack the above, due to mostly consisting of meds and turretless vehicles。 Thus can be easily outplayed in terms of HP + firepower diff between the teams。

  Players skill sometimes can make up for this, but that‘s a random occurrence。




  “Personally, I like to see the algorithm be optimized to better balance out tank types and tiers between teams。”

  Not types, tank roles, yes - e.g。 every team needs a scout, check or - every team needs an ambush TD on that map, check, things like that are planned but there is another idea that would work together with better role MM - there should be several ways to win a map。 On bad maps we have a single spot that basically defines the outcome of the game, so if you need to defend it - heavier team has an advantage, if you need to capture it - faster team wins。 That‘s bad map design, you shouldn’t win by default just because your team has more meds and the map is decided by capturing certain hill and that’s it, no other way to win, we need to avoid such a mistake。


  这不是说类型,而是说角色。比如每队都要有一辆侦查车。或者每队都要有一辆蹲坑TD。打算这样搞,但另外有个想法,可以一 起来实现更好的按角色分房。那就是取胜的方式应该有多种。在渣地图上,基本上只有一个点能决定战局的走向。所以如果需要防守这个点,越重的队伍就越有优 势;如果需要占领这个点,越快的队伍越容易赢,这就是渣地图的设计。地图决定了需要抢山,而没有其他取胜的方式,那么中坦多的一方天然就能赢。不应该是这 样,我们需要避免这样的错误。

  On rebalancing gold - gold ammo should be better, but that doesn‘t always mean better penetration。 How about more damage per gold shot? or super powerful HE shell? Let’s say you have a JPE100 with 299mm pen, superpowerful gold HE would be useful so you can kinda cosplay FV183mm。 420mm HEAT? Well, that’s certainly nice unless you’re on a receiving end of said HEAT。

  Another example - some kind of a sniper tank that has regular ammo and gold HEAT。

  What about replacing HEAT with subcaliber shell with a lot better speed? Say, exchange 330mm pen HEAT with 310mm subcaliber that flies at 1500m/s? So you still have a better gold ammo yet it allows you to snipe better for the price of less pen compared to old HEAT

  关于金币弹的再平衡。金币弹就应该是更好的弹药,但为何一定要是更高的穿深。金币弹有更高的伤害行不行?或者是超级强力的 HE呢?假设给百突一个299mm穿深的超强金币HE如何?这样你就能cosplay 183了。420mm HEAT?当然是个好东西,除非你是被打的那一方。

  再举个例子,有些黑枪车有金币HEAT。那么用速度更快的APCR来替换HEAT如何呢?比如说,把330穿的HEAT换 成310穿的、速度是1500m/s的APCR,这怎么样?这样你仍然有个更好的金币弹,能让你更好的黑枪,代价是相比原来的HEAT,穿深降低了。

  On the smoke screen subject:

  Apparently even KV-1 had smoke emitters installed (not the version working with exhaust, just a smoke grenade attached to the tank)


  Well there will be grindable skills such as repair or camo and active skills such as clutch braking for example。 Grindable skills work passively, sixth sense for example you do nothing to use it but active skills you need to manually activate, they would work for a short period and there will be a cooldown。 Let’s say you can use clutch braking skill to gain gun stabilization for 20 seconds, next time you can use it is in say 5 minutes so you have to pick the right moment, let’s say some kind of engine overload, 20%+ acceleration for 20 seconds - if you need to get close to a TD or if you need to climb an important hill, etc, use it。

  Things like master of ramming will go there as well so at some point we plan to convert the skills and crews, there will be just one entity called the captain or commander or leader, something like that。

  会有需要练经验升级的技能,比如修理和隐蔽,以及如离合器刹车这样的主动技能。需要经验的技能是被动的,比如灯泡技能,你 啥都不用做就能起效。但主动技能需要人工激活,在短时间内有效,且有冷却时间。比如你用离合器刹车技能获得20秒火炮稳定,你要过5分钟后才能再次使用这 个技能,所以你要选对使用的时机。再比如某种发动机过载技能,能+20%加速,持续20秒,在你需要贴近TD,或者爬重要的山头时,就可以使用这个技能。


