
2016-02-18 19:34作者:新浪电竞来源:


  These days I tend to enjoy games that are similar to a good book: a solitary, escapist experience I can get completely lost in without any interruptions from the outside world。 Firewatch, then – on the strength of its gripping story, brilliant branching script, wholly convincing voice-acting performances, and stunning art direction – is easily one of my favorite and most memorable game experiences of this decade。


  Firewatch quickly lets you know that it’s not going to pull any emotional punches over its four to five–hour runtime, opening with a series of text-based choices that call back to adventure genre forebears like Zork。 I dare not spoil this potent sequence, but I will say that it masterfully bounces between being funny and heart-wrenching and plausibly establishes just why protagonist Henry ends up in the Wyoming woods as a solitary fire lookout。

  在看火人四到五个小时的流程里面,并没有强烈的情感冲击,而且以一系列文字组成的选择作为开场,让人能回想起冒险类游戏的先行者魔域。整个游戏很巧妙地在有趣和令人心痛之间转换,并且游戏似真的讲述了为什么戏主角Henry 最终选择在怀俄明州的深林之中,当一名火警了望员。

  Morning Glory


  Once you arrive there, Firewatch’s powerful ambiance takes hold。 The story takes place over the course of an entire summer, with different “days” – which are treated as chapters of the story – playing out at different hours of the day and night。 That allows bold reds, yellows, and oranges to color this fictional Wyoming forest’s beautifully painted scenery (a contribution by renowned illustrator Olly Moss) – all in a comfortable and immersive first-person perspective。 It is a testament to both Moss and Firewatch’s level designers that, even despite the stylized look, the Two Forks Woods sticks in my mind like a real place: the narrow passage through Thunder Canyon, the serene calm of Jonesy Lake, the comically small size of Pork Pond, and the unexplained mystery of the Medicine Wheel。 In fact, only the strange absence of almost any wildlife whatsoever betrays the convincing setting。

  当你进入游戏的时候,你就会被游戏的环境吸引。整个故事发生在一个夏天中不过是不同的日子,也是游戏中不同的章节,而且每天的时间也大抵不同,有白天也有夜晚。游戏中的第一人称体验让人觉得舒服,并沉浸其中,你能领略到游戏中大胆地使用红色,黄色以及橙色构成了怀俄明州森林的美景。不过这也确实证明了看火人的关卡设计师以及插画师Moss的高明之处——双叉森林就像一个真的地方在你的脑海中挥之不去:窄窄的小路传过雷电峡谷,平静的乔纳斯湖,小到诙谐的波尔克池塘以及Medicine Wheel之中无法解释的神秘。不过我觉得,只是游戏中没有任何野生动物的设计些许给整个森林的设定扣了分。

  Firewatch sounds as good as it looks, thanks to a world-class script acted to perfection by its two leads。 Rookie lookout Henry is given a playful vulnerability; you can choose to play him serious or funny, and the performance is up to the task either way。 Henry’s boss – and primary point of human contact for the entire summer – is Delilah。


  He Said, She Said


  Right from the jump, their relationship feels real, despite the fact that they’re communicating entirely via radio, with no faces on screen to lend emotional cues。 Henry – or Hank, as she sometimes defiantly calls him – comes across as a good man at heart, but a flawed one – a man not sure about whether or not to go back to the life he left behind in Boulder, Colorado。 He is fully capable of matching wits with Delilah, who uses humor as a shield for the personal life she doesn’t like discussing as they get to know each other over the course of the summer。


  It’s a pair of firework-launching teenage girls that set Firewatch’s story in motion, and you can choose to talk to Delilah at almost any time by bringing up your two-way radio。 She’s got something to say about almost everything, whether you need advice on how to handle a given situation or you’re just reporting your progress on a task she’s given you, and she’s so engaging that I found myself eager to call about every little thing I came across。 Things get darker – in a figurative as well as a sometimes literal sense – when the teens go missing, and you and Delilah try to piece together the puzzle of their whereabouts while making your own critical (sometimes difficult) decisions。 The writing here is simply head and shoulders above nearly every other game I’ve ever played。 In fact, Firewatch’s script, unlike most video games, would also make a fantastic novella that’s every bit as gripping as the game is。 It’s tense, scary, and funny – sometimes all within a few minutes of each other。 Not a lot of games can successfully claim that。


  Wood You Kindly…


  Like other so-called “walking simulators,” the gameplay in Firewatch is the story, though at least there’s more to actually do here than in most games within the genre。 A substantial swath of Two Forks Woods is explorable, with supply caches, unique sights, and even a hidden turtle you can adopt (you’re gonna live with me now, Shelly Duvall!)。 You’ll rappel down cliffsides, climb up rock formations, explore the lookout tower that doubles as your home for the summer, and more。 And yet, these same simple actions that are a delightful exploration of your new surroundings at the beginning of the game become almost terrifying as the plot progresses, leading to points where, playing in Henry’s first-person perspective,I was afraid to turn around in the vast, lonely woods。


  Speaking of navigation: though I’m thankful there’s no giant arrow at the top of the screen pointing me exactly to where I need to go at any given moment, I did find getting around the Two Forks Woods a bit cumbersome at times, particularly near the end。 While I was never hung up for too long, translating the map to the actual trail in front of you had me occasionally taking a wrong fork in the path。 Henry’s compass helps a lot, however, so I was never hung up for too long。


  As for the ending, it’s the only other part of Firewatch I wasn’t crazy about。 I want to be very careful not to spoil anything, so I’ll just say that I didn’t quite find the revelation I had hoped for when I reached the end of what the story had been building up to。 At the same time, however, I didn’t dislike the ending either。 In fact, I find myself still thinking about it, trying to think of missed clues or other small cues that might yet give me the “Ah-ha!” moment I’m after。 I’ll be very interested to hear other people’s take on the conclusion – this is the kind of game where the discussions that will arise afterwards are an important extension of the experience itself。


  The Verdict


  Firewatch is amazing for many reasons, but above all because it’s an adult game that deals with serious issues, with realistic adult dialogue to match。 And it deals with those issues just like actual adults would: sometimes with humor, sometimes with anger, and sometimes with sadness。 It is among the very best of the first-person narrative genre, and it reminds us what video game storytelling is capable of in the right hands。 It’s a game I can see coming back to every year or two just to revisit its beautiful sights and memorable characters – just like a good book。


  +++++++++ 出色的故事情节

  +++++++++ 优秀的配音

  +++++++++ 精美的画面

  +++++++++ 令人沉浸的世界

  --------- 结局过于仓促

