DOTA2更新:自定义游戏充值功能 让你变得更强

2016-03-16 14:52作者:新浪DOTA2来源:


  Supporting Custom Game Developers 支持自定义游戏开发者



  Introducing the Custom Game Pass, a new system for supporting and rewarding custom game developers who are committed to building vibrant and lasting communities around their games。

  Custom Games Passes will be limited to a small number of high-quality games that have established themselves in the community. Purchasing a pass directly supports the creators of the custom game as well as granting you extra features for that game. All custom games will remain free to download and play。

  The first Custom Game Pass will be available for Roshpit Champions at a price of for a 30-day duration. While everyone can play Roshpit Champions for free, the Custom Game Pass will enable additional stash and character slots, and offer multiple perks for the duration of the pass。

  社区里的少数高质量RPG游戏这个Custom Games Passe

  实际上所有RPG都是可以免费玩的,但是现在你花一刀充值这个Roshpit Champion(英雄试炼之肉山谷)


  Roshpit Champion Pass

  8 more character save slots 增加8个人物保存槽位

  18 more stash slots 18个隐藏槽位

  A 50% immortal drop rate buff and 10% EXP gain. This buff is shared with all party members and stacks with other premium players. 50%掉落稀有BUFF和10%经验,BUFF可以跟队友共享

  A gold kill counter at the top of the UI to show who is a premium player. 在用UI顶部的黄金记杀器会显示谁是VIP玩家

  第二个9.4 MB 的更新: 修复了RPG页面无法工作的问题

  又更新了2M,修复了无法购买Roshpit Champions Pass的问题

