
2016-01-13 08:19作者:Ningyou来源:



  Iilth vwah, uhn'agth fhssh za。

  Where one falls, many shall take its place。

  Iilth = You;


  Iilth vwah, uhn'agth fhssh za。

  You fall, many shall take (your) place。


  Shath'mag vwyq shu et'agthu。

  The Black Empire once ruled this world。

  Shath'Yar = Old God(s);

  Shath'yar = Language of Old Gods;

  Sk'yahf qi'magg luk sshoq anagg'qen。

  Your soul will wander roads that twist in endless spirals。

  qi' = Will;

  Magg = Suffer;

  Sshoq = Twisted;

  Translated into:

  Your soul will suffer roads twisted in endless spirals。

  Mh'za uulwi skshgn kar。

  Only a place where even shadows fear to go。

  Skshgn = Your fear; (Synosym)Sk'shgn;

  Za = Place;

  Uulwi = Shadow;

  Translated into:

  Only (a) place shadow (and) your fear go。


  Only (a) place shadow fear to go。

  Iilth ma paf'qi'ag sk'halahs. GAZ SKSHGN!

  You are a prisoner in your own body. A SERVANT OF FEAR!

  Iilth qi mah'shar fhn oorql N'Zoth!

  You will be the first of many to glimpse the madness of N'Zoth!

  Sk' = Your;

  Halahs = Body; Corpse;

  Iilth = You;

  Ma = Be;

  Qi' = Will;

  Ag = We;




  A'B = A(adj。) B(n。)

  A B = A(n。) B(adj。)






  [Ningyou](2016-01-10 21:29):

  这翻译还是一如既往地在骗人……我想应该还有人记得Shath'Yar = Old God(s),现在这个词也可以用来指古神语。这回把这个Shath'mag写成Black Empire(或者颠倒过来)说不是刻意的都没人信……


  Il'zarq N'Zoth phgwa an'zig. Il'zarq taag ov'kadaq。

  The voice of N'Zoth whispers from the deeps. It sings of unspeakable horrors。

  Il'zarq = Voice;

  Phgwa = Sea; Depth;

  An'zig = From;

  Taag = Sing of;

  Ov = Unspeakable?

  Kadaq = Horror?

  Phnagg'ba teq'nir ssq qwal N'Zoth!

  These mortal wards have no effect on the spawn of N'Zoth!

  Qwal = Spawn?

  Shath'mag vwyq shu et'agthu, Shath'mag sshk ye! Ag'rr hazz ak'yel ksh ga'halahs pahg!

  The Black Empire once ruled this pitiful world, and it will do so again! We will reforge our dread citadels atop the fly-blown corpse of this kingdom!

  Mag = Empire;

  Vwyq = Once; Again;

  Shu = Rule;

  Et = Pitiful?

  Ga' = Atop? Above?

  Phag = Kingdom;

  Yel = Citadel?

  Ksh = Dread?

  Hazz = Reforge;

  Shath'mag vwyq shu et'agthu, Shath'mag sshk ye! Krz'ek fhn'z agash zz maqdahl or'kaaxth'ma amqa!

  The Black Empire once ruled this world, and it will do so again! Your pitiful kind will know only despair and sorrow for a hundred thousand millennia to come!

  Ma = Millennia;

  Agash = Despair;

  Maqdahl = Sorrow;

  Kaaxth = Thousand;

  Or = Hundred?

  Amqa = Come;

  Fhn = Mortal kind? Many of mortal kinds?

  Sk'yahf qi'magg luk sshoq anagg'qen。

  Your soul will wander roads that twist in endless spirals。

  Anagg = Endless;

  Qen = Spirals;

  Luk = Road;

  Shath'gral ynyq. Weq... weq... weq.。.

  The Old Ones beckon. Go... go... go.。.

  Gral = Being;

  Ynyq = Beckon;

  Weq = Go;

  Y'za noq mah... Y'za noq ormz.。.

  I am not the first... I am not the last.。.

  Y = My?

  Mah = First;

  Ormz = Last;

  Noq = (Synonym) Maq?

  Yeh'glu N'Zoth okom hoq... Y'za sythn oou.。.

  The blood of N'Zoth runs through me... I cannot die.。.

  Yeh'glu = Blood of Gods;

  Yeh = (Synonym)Yar?;

  Okom = Run; Run through;

  Sythn = Cannot? Be going to?

  Poq'yith mazzka awan ki uhnish'philfgsh。

  The crooked serpent with no eyes is watching from the endless sky。

  Uhnish = Endless;

  En'othk uulg'shuul. Mh'za uulwi skshgn kar。

  There is no light after death. Only a place where even shadows fear to go。

  En' = Non-?; Un-?;

  Othk = Light?;

  Uulg = (adj。)After;

  Mh = Only;

  Uulwi = Shadow;

  Kar = Go?

  Mg'uulwi N'Zoth, eth'razzqi worg zz oou。

  In the writhing shadow of N'Zoth, all light fades and dies。

  Mg = Writhing;

  Worg = Fade;

  N'Zoth iiyoq raz'tal'vsak! IIYOQ NEL'OTHK AR'AFGH!

  The will of N'Zoth is made manifest! IT CANNOT BE CONTAINED!

  Iiyoq = (n。) Will;

  Al'ksh syq iir awan? Iilth sythn aqev... aqev... aqev.。.

  Is this real or an illusion? You are going mad... mad... mad.。.

  Aqev = Mad; Sane?

  Ywaqol ish'wi agthshh。

  What has been set in motion will come to pass。

  Ywaq'ol ish'wi agth'shh。

  (What) they set in motion shall pass。

  Yglath vu'aghth qol. Yglath ish'za。

  There is no light in the darkness. There is no hope。

  Yglath vu'agth uull. Yglath ish'za。

  (Vu) of Nyalotha shall (darkness). Nyalotha(?) set its place。

  这两句我现在其实也不太能确定到底是不是存在口音和写法上的问题……尤其是这次在公布了Y'za这个写作I但是怎么看都像My place的短语之后,Y'glath、Y'waq之类的继续深入起来就更麻烦了,不过目前(感觉上)应该是个正确的方向。

